Dall’essere al dono. Paul Ricœur e le sfide dell’ontoteologia


di Annalisa Caputo, Università di Bari – Il Pensare, Anno III, n. 3, 2014

Can we consider Paul Ricoeur as exponent of the history of ontology? As we known, ricoeurian Scholars are divided regarding this issue. In the past they have taken seriously Ricoeur’s idea of ontology as “promised land” that you can only “see before you die”. However, there are scholars who, recently, have considered “ontology as guide of his adventure”. The aim of this essay is to reconcile this “hermeneutic conflict” through a historical contextualization and to analyze the last Ricoeur’s phase, in which – we believe – the classical onto-theology is rethought in the direction of an ontology of gift.

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